Liberty Hill House Painting Exterior Painting Services
Quality starts with solid prep work:
The prep work is 75% of a job and unless handled properly, the final coat of paint will fail much sooner than expected and cost the homeowner more money. We, at Liberty Hill House Painting expect 100% satisfaction with a 2 year guarantee.
These are just some of the ways our Professional Liberty Hill House painters prepare for your exterior paint job:
These are just some of the ways our Professional Liberty Hill House painters prepare for your exterior paint job:
- We provide all paint and materials
- Area wash prior to painting
- Scrape and sand all peeling paint areas.
- Prime all bare wood
- Galvanized metal primer on all bare metal surfaces
- Wire brush flaking of deteriorating paint
- Caulk small cracks around windows and doors
- Caulk seams in fascia boards
- Remove old glazing around window panes and replace with new glazing compound
- Pressure Washing chalking surfaces or decks